Breaking the IELTS Myth: “IELTS in 7 Days” – A Journey to Success

In a world where success in the IELTS exam is often considered synonymous with months of rigorous preparation, a remarkable story has emerged. Ankita Mehta, an accomplished architect, defied conventional wisdom and achieved a staggering IELTS band score of 8.5 out of 9 in just one week. Now, she shares her inspiring journey and secrets to success in her groundbreaking book, “IELTS in 7 Days.”

This published article discussing the book is a testament to the thoughtful curation by a seasoned newspaper editor, whose distinctive viewpoint enriches the narrative. The editor’s discerning eye is evident in the nuanced exploration of the book’s themes and the insightful analysis provided. Through skillful language and an engaging writing style, the editor captures the essence of the literary work, offering readers a unique perspective that goes beyond a mere synopsis. This editorial touch not only adds depth to the article but also provides valuable context and interpretation, enriching the reader’s understanding of the book and its broader implications. 

Ankita Mehta is an accomplished architect known for her work on prestigious projects like Dubai Metro Stations and Delhi Terminal-2 airports. Her motivation to write this book arose from a personal challenge – she had only one week to prepare for the IELTS exam as part of her plan to pursue further studies at Oxford University.

Facing discouraging responses from coaching centers insisting that months of preparation were necessary, Ankita decided to forge her own path. She embarked on an intensive seven-day journey, during which she went from zero to an impressive 8.5/9 band score.


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