Commonwealth Youth Council Election 2024 Nomination From Rajahmundry Youth Leader

Congratulations to Chris Boora from Rajahmundry Town, Andhra Pradesh, on her nomination for the Commonwealth Youth Council elections! It’s a achievement that she is shortlisted from many entries received by the CYC. It’s fantastic to see a young leader from India taking the initiative to make a difference at the global level. As a Special Groups Representative, Chris will have the opportunity to amplify the voices and concerns of marginalized youth worldwide. We all youth led organisations and NGO’s of Andhra Pradesh State voluntarily encourage everyone to support and vote for Chris in this election, recognizing her potential to bring positive change and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all. From a newly formed state Andhra Pradesh, a girl been elected at global level is also an encouragement for all the youth and girls in the state.
Youth who are most frequently underserved by their communities due to inherent qualities and identities such as race, ethnicity, skin color, ability status, gender identity, age, sexual identity, immigration status, poverty, or primary language will be her primary objective. Chris Boora is known locally as Sheeba Gollapalli.